Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Moringa Elixir 瓶中的钻石/ 瓶中钻

Moringa Elixir



瓶中的钻石 基於平衡,多样,适度的营养原则及利用生物科技萃取,经科学合理的配比及通过品级鉴定等多道工序精制而成。特别用心甄选优质辣木,沙棘,巴西莓,植物提取矿物质,22种水果及蔬菜提取物等营养功能性成分,引介到世界各地,让每个珍惜健康可贵的人们,都可以分享到它所带来的种种好处。让瓶中钻,陪着健康闪闪发亮, 闪烁人生。
4.补充营养(高纤维,矿物质,氨基酸,蛋白质,钙质,镁,钾,铁,维生素A, B,C, E等)
对糖尿病的辅助治疗作用 -降低血糖、稳定糖尿病的病情。
对免疫系统的作用 -具很强的抗氧化作用。可抗过敏、增强人体抗病能力及清除人体自由基。
对癌症的预防作用 -增强人体对癌症的抵抗能力及减轻化疗的副作用,促进癌症患者康复。
对呼吸系统疾病的作用 -止咳平喘、利肺化痰的作用。
保护肝脏的作用 -对急性肝病、慢性肝病、酒精肝、脂肪肝、肝硬化有明显的缓解作用。


Invest In Mface - Change Your Life Immediately

Mface Investment
"Power 168 of turbo strategy"

With the “Power of 168 Version 1.0”, company has launched the concept program name “Turbo Strategy”. This is created by the reason to speed up all the wealth creators who are in this platform can gain back the model fast and become real financial freedom. The entire advertisement package started on 1st of September 2013, will automated entitle to enjoy two types of GRC, details as below:

Now is the good chance for you to join MFace investment To get back your Money at short time!!

 1. 8 star Advertisement package(35000 AP)include of total 21000 GRC will spilt to:

Main GRC : 14000 GRC

2nd GRC : 7000 GRC2

2. 8 star Advertisement package(15000 AP)include of total 9000 GRC will spilt to:

Main GRC : 6000 GRC

2nd GRC : 3000 GRC2

3. 6 star Advertisement package(5000 AP)include of total 3000GRC will spilt to:

Main GRC : 2000 GRC

2nd GRC : 1000 GRC2

4. 5 star Advertisement package(2000 AP)include of total 1160GRC will split to:

Main GRC : 780 GRC

2nd GRC : 380 GRC2

5. 4 star Advertisement package(1000 AP)include of total 560GRC willsplit to:

Main GRC : 380 GRC

2nd GRC : 180 GRC2

6. 3 star Advertisement package(500 AP)include of total 270GRC will split to:

Main GRC : 180 GRC

2nd GRC : 90 GRC2

7. 2 star Advertisement package(200 AP)include of total

105GRC will split to:

Main GRC : 70 GRC

2nd GRC : 35 GRC2

8. 1 star Advertisement package(100 AP)include of total 50GRC will split to:

Main GRC : 34 GRC

2nd GRC : 16 GRC2

Rule & Regulation of “Turbo Strategy”for Advertisement package:

1. From 1st of September onward, all new sign up or top-up of advertisement package will automatically get tradable GRC2.

2. Value of total GRC2 by “turbo strategy” will go through appreciation untilmaximum 3 times only, once the GRC2 value reach on 3 times of the entry value, system will automatically convert GRC2 value to Main GRC credit.

3. When system converted GRC2 to Main GRC credit, system will deduct 10% as service fees, balance of 90% will credit to Main GRC credit.

4. From 1st of September 2013, GRC market 2’s price will start from 0.20 until 0.42, and single price are selling 500,000 units only.


Who is interest pls email us,Thank you.

Did You Buy A Right Medical Card For You & Your Lovely Family Member Part I

Come and compare your old medical card and this......

This Medical Card have FIVE type :
  • SM P150
  • SM P200
  • SM P300
  • SM P500
  • SM P1000

SM P150

From 22 year old until 59 year old

RM110 per month
Annual Limit = RM50'000
Lifetime Limit = RM1.9m

SM P200

From 22 year old until 59 year old
RM135 per month
Annual Limit = RM100'000
Lifetime Limit = RM3.8m

SM P300

From 22 year old until 59 year old
RM175 per month
Annual Limit = RM150'000
Lifetime Limit = RM5.7m

SM P500

From 22 year old until 59 year old
RM230 per month
Annual Limit = RM200'000
Lifetime Limit = RM7.6m

SM P1000

From 22 year old until 59 year old
RM290 per month
Annual Limit = RM250'000
Lifetime Limit = RM9.5m

This Price Is For Lady Customer Only
Who is interest pls email to us, Thank You.

Did You Buy A Right Medical Card For You & Your Lovely Family Member Part II

Come and compare your old medical card and this......

This Medical Card have FIVE type :
  • SM P150
  • SM P200
  • SM P300
  • SM P500
  • SM P1000

SM P150

From 22 year old until 59 year old

RM110 per month
Annual Limit = RM50'000
Lifetime Limit = RM1.9m

SM P200

From 22 year old until 59 year old
RM130 per month
Annual Limit = RM100'000
Lifetime Limit = RM3.8m

SM P300

From 22 year old until 59 year old
RM170 per month
Annual Limit = RM150'000
Lifetime Limit = RM5.7m

SM P500

From 22 year old until 59 year old
RM220 per month
Annual Limit = RM200'000
Lifetime Limit = RM7.6m

SM P1000

From 22 year old until 59 year old
RM280 per month
Annual Limit = RM250'000
Lifetime Limit = RM9.5m

This Price Is For Gentle Customer Only
Who is interest pls email to us, Thank You.

> 2000% Return - Investment Profit


Produk Penjagaan Kulit - Rumusan Ekstrak Sarang Burung Semulajadi